
Started in 1972 SAMULCO mortuary aid system which aimed to:

Provides immediate financial assistance to the beneficiaries of the deceased members through the contribution from the members

Upholds the coop value and principle of helping one another

To avail the benefits

Open to all Regular or Associate SAMULCO member

Submit the application form

Deposit at least Php500.00 to open the Dayong Account and ensure timely additional deposit every end of the month to keep the membership status active.

For every death of Dayong Member, a contribution of Php10.00 for regular members and Php5.00 for associate members shall be taken from the Dayong account.

The Dayong benefit varies depending on the number of Dayong active members at time of member’s death.

Pro-rated scheme of contribution shall apply during the first year of Dayong membership for new Dayong members.